October 29, 2008

Tough topics

I know I have stated before that we are slowing down at work, which giving interesting animal stories kind of tough. We start running into the hard-cases and a lot of the sad cases. I would love to give you happy news about our 2 small owls that I am in absolutely in love with but alas I can't. We moved the Pygmy owl outside b/c he seemed to be getting bouncier and had torn part of a talon off. In the aviary (unfortunately in my mind too close to the eagle flight construction, but not much of a choice, that is our aviary alley) he was moving quite a bit around the aviary, running into the screen pretty hard. I decided it would be time for him to go the next morning. Needless to say, we found him dead the next morning. Not quite sure why, he had lost a tiny bit of weight (as we was eating as consistently as we would have like to see), and nothing else was evident to the death. As for the saw-whet owl, not much improvement with eye sight and demeanor in the past 30 days, so we may have a tough decision to make very soon.

Here are some pictures of the cute critters:

Since it is getting soo slow. I have been working protocols for feeding and the growing of our critters. Man alive is it a big pain in the butt! I get to spend a lot of time looking up natural histories, and going back over old charts to look at weights we were changing diet. It is kind of nice because it getting me in gear for taking the state rehabbers test I need to take. Which is a lot about weaning, natural history, when eyes open, when fur grows, and when teeth appear on different species. But, really, really, seriously... it is tedious work.

A good things, our little Fox Squirrel went back to Orcas Isl for release. here is a picture of her when she came in, very, very cold and unable to thermoregulate.

And here just a few days before release.

Halloween is close at hand, and that makes me quite excited... Oh the joy it will bring :D

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