February 28, 2009

in a funk

So I have been in and out of a funk lately.  You remember that this happened a while back and I thought it had passed pretty well, but after V-day I have just been humdrum.  My trip to Seattle was a bust for my mood, I was hoping seeing friend there would pick up my spirits, so to speak, but that didn't happen.  Literally, I didn't seen any major groups of friends even though 90% of them knew I was going to be in Seattle, it was a big bummer for me.  Making it happy to return to the island, but once I came back.. I again felt like I had been forgotten.  It is easier to sit at home and be connected to people just down the street through Facebook/scrabble/chess.  It was tough, b/c of my depressive mood I really needed some face time with someone!  Work has been tough, dealing with extraneous work that just seems old by now.. /sigh  it was tough.

Yesterday after I snoozed after my alarm went off, I was awoken by a text.  I stayed in bed for a bit longer.  Onyx was all snuggly and purring which made me feel slightly better (I have realized recently that what I have to look forward too, the snuggliest of a cat in the morning and that is about it)-- just like she is right now over my right arm.  Shortly after that I was up and heading into town to get breakfast.  After some running around.  It was out to bird watch.  Jason & I headed to Mt. Finlayson to observe the RTH's he has been watching.  One was putting on a show by doing stalls/loop to loops, tucking wings and doing vertical drops.  It was pretty damn amazing.  We headed down the road over by the light house and got to see the other 2 RTH (one we couldn't get a good id on but I will assume they have been hanging out in the area).  We walked to the lighthouse and hung out there for awhile, soaking up the warm sun, watching the sea birds, and listening to the sea lions.     

The rest of the day was pretty much just an lay low hang out kind of day.  I really should be cleaning my house right now especially since I won't be home for the next two weekends, but just don't feel like putting the effort in now.  Here are some photos I took recently:

A fox down by the cape sunning himself.. must be rough.

I think it has ear mites, constantly ear scratching.

The light house from the road.  If you look about 1/4 of the way from the left in the tip top of the not full tree you will see a bird, one of the Red-tailed Hawks.

Our Great Horned Owl patient!  His head even better yet.

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