March 7, 2009


So you may want to know how I spent my day in the big city... Well since I woke up today to this:
Snow falling!

White stuff all around.

Light big fluffy flakes.

I can only say I did not feel like making in ventures out.   Not that I haven't ever driven in it before it just was something I didn't feel like dealing with.  That and the fact that we think there is a new "Penny's curse" for my brother's house- the heater will randomly kick off.  It happened when I was home in December, and hadn't happened since.  But twice today it has completely shut off.  I have been snuggled under a blanket looking at the gas fire and snow fall all day.  Other than that. Not much more.  

I did run to the grocery store to get some items to make dinner.  The roads weren't bad but I know that it started to pick up again this evening.  I could hear the icy little balls hitting the windows.  I really was hoping to get out of the house and seeing a friend I haven't seen in a very long time.  /sigh  Anyway, today basically became a photo op for my cats and just other small things.  I hope you enjoy.

Onyx stole Mark's chair when he went into his office.

Aww.. even they got snuggly by the fire (and as close as you will ever find them).

Midday I opened a box that had dishes for my brother.  Of course someone was excited about the peanuts.

What happens when 2 people take a picture at the same time from opposite of each other and one has the flash on??

Looks guilty

Back into the box.

She thinks she is part of the xbox accessories.

The next set of photos I took yesterday.  Guess what kind of birds my brother has out behind his house?

I love this, there are actually 2 wholes that have been "drilled" clear through.

Look at the very top left of the tree you will see another notch out.

Another tree

hmm.. anyone guess woodpeckers.... you would be right.  I see a large number of Northern red-shafted flickers, but I have also seen a few yellow-shafted, as well as a few downy and/or hairy.

Okay I should be off to bed since time jumps forward an hour tonight.

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