April 20, 2009

I was asked tonight where a new post was, that I might have been slacking on my entertaining of you.  Of course there was a tone of concern if I was doing better since my last actual post.  Yes, yes I am I have gotten some clarity, a fair amount came from me, but I still have some decisions I need to make on moving forward.  I can tell you I have been a bit concerned with my upcoming doom days (at least how I have been looking at it), but that too seems to have become a weird shrug off and I am done with worrying about it.  So here I am, to share some pictures with you!  Imagine this they are of animals.

So first things first here are some of the critters from our center that we have in.

2 barn owlets.  Looks like "I'm your big (bro/sis) I will protect you!

Who are you??

The newest barn owlet addition.

Time for your closeup.

A squirrel!

The eagle screaming at me.

A red crossbill, unfortunately it didn't make it. :(

Here is what his back looks like.

And here is who comes home with me at night, a few river otter kits still.  They get to smell up my bathroom while I do a 8 pm feed and a midnight feed! 

So sleepy but eating.

Heather, my friend and wolf hollow volunteer decided to come over and help with the 8 pm feed.

nom nom nom

who can resist that face.

I also just got a hummingbird feeder.  It has been an amazing thing. I have a beautiful Anna's that has been laying claim to it.  I didn't get a chance to take a picture of his colors in the nice evening light, but I did get some pretty silhouette photos when she was relaxing in a tree.  Onyx is amazed by little buzzes flying all around!

Pretty sweet.

Okay well that is about it, have a good night.

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