August 22, 2009

I know I know

I can already hear it.... where have you been, why no new blog?? Well I have been busy and exhausted. I come home, look at my photos and just go ugh, I need to do this but then put it off and put it off. So we will start now to catch you up. I just realized I should look at my blog to see where I have left off... please hold...oh that is right Fatmucket and his first swim. Well since then we have had 3 other seals venturing out to the pools and over the next few days they will be full time in the pool with Fatty. Now we have lots of seals out playing in the pools at least part time. I figure all I am going to do in this one is put up some pictures and tell you about them as I go, and the pics will be in order of taking so they will seem quite a bit out of order, sorry about that but if you want a blog this is the only way you are going to get it this week :) hopefully after this catch up I will be able to give you blogs in a more cohesive/coherent manner. Okay that is a bit of a lie.. I will put days and nights out separate from work.

So recently I took a trip to South Dakota.. why you might ask. To surprise my mom for her birthday. My brother and I flew out am of Aug 5th, got picked up by my sister at the airport and we beat them to the restaurant, barely to surprise her.

She was chocked full of smiles that night.

Mom's cake.

Again with out flash.

My niece doing what she does best.. texting.

my mom's begonia.

I <3>

look at that.

Of course my mom's bday falls during the busiest time for my home town of Sturgis, The motorcycle rally. This year was number 69. I haven't been there since I moved to Seattle in 2001.. I was stoked, but the weather while we were home was all over the place.

Cops from all over the country come in to help with the rally.


the Buffalo bike.


I want that hat!

more bikes.

Killin some time.

Some things just don't need to be seen.


That is right.

One of my favorite paint jobs.

Welcome rally goers!!

My sister's Mark and our dad.

Tammy, you so funny.

My parents cat.. Buddha belly!

The sandstone rock at the cemetery.. I decided to go for a walk to visit a good old friend. this rock use to be where we would hang out during the day, watch the stars at night, fly kites by.. /sigh

The Sturgis hill

Me sitting on the rock.

hello shadow.

peering over the edge.

what exactly do you want me to do?!?

looking back towards town.

this tree needed to shave its branch pit.

Life and death.


beyond me is.....

Bear Butte peaks over the trees.

a turkey feather on the ground.



another feather

another pretty feather.

on the ground with it.

unusually combinations make for unique pictures.


Little did I know what was to come of this storm.

Lions Club park and HWY 34 as viewed from the cementary.

Woodpecker holes.


darker clouds.

a play with smother and rough.


The sun hidden by the clouds.

a piece of hail in my had as it was still falling.

sucks to be those bikers.

wow.. scaled up.

The sun literally 15 minutes after the storm started.

unusually hail.. looks like it froze at it hit, or was a fried egg.


my feet got cold and I used my brother's shirt as a place to dry my toes.

a limb knocked down.

leaves stuck to the side of the house after the hail.

The clouds break shortly after the storm.

I placed the hail there, for effect.

isn't it pretty.

Damage done to a car at the court house.

on my Nikon... the moon at the intern bbq at South Beach.

Just a cresent.

Eric shooting his guns at me while we help/hang out with Jenn prep for the San Juan County Fair.

She prints, we err.. watch.

2 of my friends from Issaquah showed up for a weekend unexpectedly. We went to the Mausoleum.

Louis and Gloria, little did they know just how many photos I would take of them.

snap snap

On our way out, Louis is already sick of the camera clicks.


hey you guys... click

so pretty.

a strange jump in pictures b/c these were on my Pentax with the rest of my work type photos. Sturgis moto rally.

bikes.. look at what you want.

a helibike???

Okay back to FH
Eric built a bike ramp in their front yard.. demonstrating mad skills.

Don't fall...

Roche Harbor to listen to T:FLO play, enjoying some Margaritas on the deck first.

Sunset with dinner at RH

A sunset kayaker at RH

the retiring of the color

San Juan County Fair... me and Smoky kicking it.

T:FLO plays the fair

Zuchhini racers!

Pretty inovative kids.

The best fair burgers were the legions.. Gabby shares hers with Casey.

Back to the Mausoleum with my friends (again b/c I used both cameras)

G~mata.. was a bit creeped out.

run away.. before something bad happens.

aww work....
Guess my name.

A bird we were trying to ID.. it came in in a nest with 2 other birds, he was not like the others and is not a cowbird.

Jen trying to ID said bird.

a Cedar waxwing and Elderberries...insert your own Monty Python joke here.

A female crossbill.

Issy helping to release Mergansers.

Fly away mergansers. can you see all 4.. I can.

Sometimes we have to work on ourselves. Jen is looking for ticks on Vanessa after carrying a young deer.

Intern BBQ at South Beach before Issy left and later found out that the county had just issued a burn ban that day... so we had to shut er down.

Such a pretty moon that night.

Otters sleeping in their dirt box.

Pseudoscorpion loves to blow bubbles.

Wedgemussel is a screamer.

Pseudo on a swim.

Dragonfly shortly after admit.

The first bald eagle release out of the new cage. He was very sketchy and we feared transport back.

Checking out the new surroundings.

Hey man, it is hot today.. I just need to sleep.

Segundo covers his face.

Wedgie is belly up while Fatty sleeps too.

Pseudo is tail up.

Lotis chills on the platform while Abalone takes a nap underwater.

the Juvi redtail got to spend sometime in the eagle flight cage.

Our Juvi bald eagle got upgraded to the Heron cage (the difference one release can make on being able to upgrade animals).

The eagle screams at me.

The stapler incident. I took a 9/16" staple from a staple gun to the palm of my hand.. right in the middle of the purple bruising there. It hurt soo bad for so many days.

The Red-tail hawk got released from the eagle flight cage, I thought while he was flying around to get his berrings he was going to flight right back in.

Dragonfly a bit later.

a tree frog visiting the seal nursery.

My hand on day 2. you can definately see the staple holes.

A merlin we currently have in as well.

Well that took a lot of time.. like 3 + hours. If I were to actually keep up it wouldn't be so bad. I hope you enjoyed.

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