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"Sometimes you just have to take the leap, and build your wings on the way down." ~Kobi Yamada
I know I have stated before that we are slowing down at work, which giving interesting animal stories kind of tough. We start running into the hard-cases and a lot of the sad cases. I would love to give you happy news about our 2 small owls that I am in absolutely in love with but alas I can't. We moved the Pygmy owl outside b/c he seemed to be getting bouncier and had torn part of a talon off. In the aviary (unfortunately in my mind too close to the eagle flight construction, but not much of a choice, that is our aviary alley) he was moving quite a bit around the aviary, running into the screen pretty hard. I decided it would be time for him to go the next morning. Needless to say, we found him dead the next morning. Not quite sure why, he had lost a tiny bit of weight (as we was eating as consistently as we would have like to see), and nothing else was evident to the death. As for the saw-whet owl, not much improvement with eye sight and demeanor in the past 30 days, so we may have a tough decision to make very soon.
Here are some pictures of the cute critters:
Since it is getting soo slow. I have been working protocols for feeding and the growing of our critters. Man alive is it a big pain in the butt! I get to spend a lot of time looking up natural histories, and going back over old charts to look at weights we were changing diet. It is kind of nice because it getting me in gear for taking the state rehabbers test I need to take. Which is a lot about weaning, natural history, when eyes open, when fur grows, and when teeth appear on different species. But, really, really, seriously... it is tedious work.
A good things, our little Fox Squirrel went back to Orcas Isl for release. here is a picture of her when she came in, very, very cold and unable to thermoregulate.
And here just a few days before release.
Halloween is close at hand, and that makes me quite excited... Oh the joy it will bring :D
Steep and cheap great outdoor gear clearanced out of this site too
Chain love loads of biking gear
Tramdock snowboarding gear
Whiskeymilitia clothing, goggles, snowboard, skater.. associated with
Thank goodness I have been able to curb my need to buy, I have only picked up 2 items off of these sites, but they are fabulous. I suggest you check them out and visit on a regular basis, b/c what they do is put up one item (that is on extreme clearance), once it sells through that lot, they put up a new item, sometimes, just sometimes, your lucky enough if they put the more of the lot up again. So I bounce back and forth on these sites all day long to see what new items they have. What I have gotten is some North Face cargo shorts for work, and just last night I bought what was a 150 dollar watch that was 73% off!!! I have seen numerous sunglasses, mainly Smiths that I have thought about, but just can't put extra money towards it. If you are really close to me, don't be surprised if I find some kind of Christmas present for you here (haha) don't call me cheap, just call me thrifty!
Well today was a regular slow fall day at the center. Did some cleaning, some seal weighing, and pulled blood on 2 seals for diagnostic testing to make sure they are a-okay for release. Throughout the day we discussed animals that can be released (merlin & sharp-shinned hawk) and who should be upgraded. The biggest question of the day, where do we move the Pygmy owl to next?? As he is such a small owl, but we need to make sure that he can fly well before kicking him out of the center.
Other things that continued was the eagle flight cage build. Today we had 3 large concrete hauling truck sneak between our building and the wet pen fence, and I might add they just barely squeak through! And a gigantic concrete pumper truck. In other words, the foundation is poured and the poles are set in place. Of course, all those pics are on the work camera, b/c we are documenting the build on a day to day basis.
So other than that. I will give you some photos to fill your head with smiles.
sharp-shinned hawk merlinOkay, so I realized this morning that the didn't work for showing you the picture of the short-eared owl or the pygmy owl. So I actually have the work camera attatched to my computer right now to upload the pics from here. I hope you enjoy them.
A note on the short-eared owl. We did radiographes this morning and found that his left shoulder was completely shattered! Prognosis, non-repairable. So, the owl is no longer with us in life sense, but is in Shona's education freezer so we can use his feets and wings as teaching devices.
seriously doesn't it look like a Tim Burton face??
Okay so maybe we don't have a barred owl in at Wolf Hollow, but I can tell you this. It sure is owl season at the center. And right now it seems like we release an animal and we get another one in place of it! The numbers are just staying steady. But back to the owl subject, we just sent a barn owl(all grown up) back over to release yesterday 10/20/08. That doesn't count for what we have in. All of them little owls, since the first of October we have had a Saw-whet owl in (he had head trauma-- and is still acting a little goofy). Today, we got in a pygmy owl, who is giving us the stank eye(head trauma)... this guy is ubber cute and we haven't had one in in a very, very long time. We also got a short-eared owl, he looks like a cross between Marilyn Manson and a Tim Burton creation(none of the online pics can do justice to how pale white the face ring is)!!! I am a little hesitant to scream the praises of having this little guy in, as once again it is a very rare owl for us to see, and when we do, they are in pretty bad shape. You can guess it, this one is in pretty bad shape, we are holding for overnight and tomorrow morning we will take radiographes of the left wing. Keep your fingers crossed that it isn't as bad as we think and we can fix him right up.
Not much else to add at this time, hopefully I can add some photos we took of the beautiful owls instead of ones I had to borrow off the net. Things are quieting down on the island all together. I like this time of year. Not too many tourist, so I can go to my favorite places again without the ever present annoyance.
So I don't have much to say today. Work has been slowing down. Today our six month seasonal left (yesterday was actually her last day), and tomorrow our last intern of the year leaves! So, it is back to just me at the center as a rehabber. Today we sent a barn owl off to mainland for release, and we took 2 gulls to false bay for release as well. Initially it looked like "Henry" (the gull who grew up with us over the summer) wasn't going to leave us. I had Kate throw him in the air to see if he would fly away, but he just fluttered to the ground. I thought okay just one more try and if he doesn't fly he will come back to us, so she threw him up in the air again. And with a small breeze he got air; he looked a little unsure of this extra burst of air, but soon shifted his feet back and tilted forward and took off in a beautiful flight around the bay. Later landing with a huge flock of other gulls! Goodbye Henry!!
Okay, that is actually more than I thought I had to say and was going to lead you onto other blog sites, which I will still do.
If you are into reading, sci-fi, either ya or urban fantasy check out richelle mead. She is a good friend of mine and a good author. She just placed 4th on YALSA Teens' top ten list!
If you are into Kayaking and Nature Jason's blog.
And last but not least, the volunteer Wolf Hollow Blog Hollow Happenings.
Enjoy your day!
Well, I can tell you that the pain from the squirrel bite has diminished. It took awhile, but with the number of nerve endings in fingers I am not at all surprised. I got a little worried the evening after it happened and for the next 2 days b/c it was quite swollen and discolored. So, I was soaking it in Epsom Salts and using Gold Seal paste over it to help fight any infection.
With the construction starting on the eagle flight cage. There has been some hassles. One, way to many people driving up and down our grass paths, which have mudded up and rutted. The company has asked up to find a solution to fill in the ruts. Yesterday, we tried the mass quanities of old mice shavings we have around. That didn't work that well. Today, Jessica and I took down 6 loads of crushed rock grave and put it in the ruts. Yikes! my entire core is sore from moving that much gravel (that doesn't count the pea gravel that we put in the back of a 3/4 ton truck today to move it to another locale b/c "the cement truck has to drive where it is sitting." So yes, lots of gravel moving for me today, causing back, shoulder, abdomen pain! Plus the frustration of dealing with constrution workers who couldn't imagine walked the 100 yrds up the hill instead of driving over the muddy road & making it worse!
Okay I think that is probably enough whining out of me for the day. I can tell you I have been quite whiney at work lately. I think I am just ready for all the babies to be released and slow time to get here!