January 14, 2009


I don't even know how to start this blog. Either by saying thank-you for your concern, or holy hell my blog functions to much into peoples lives. I guess I will stick with the thank you. As you have seen my blogs have taken a dip in their generally happy tone lately. I really have to emphasis this is a very tough time at any rehab center. Getting in a large number of very injured, very sick adults who have little to no chance, but we try, and try again to help them survive. Right now every 3rd phone call or so is about a bald eagle. Mainly sitting in a tree with their wings drooping, a sign of a break, or in most of these cases right now- sear exhaustion. This doesn't mean that taking notice and calling someone shouldn't be done, but the territorial wars just went into full swing. My buddy Jason watched 3 eagles hashing it out over False Bay last Friday. I can only guess it was a mating pair who wanted to chance the other one out. It sounds like they were doing summersaults & talon grapling in air as they went tumbling to the ground. Our wacky winter weather hasn't made life a rehabilitator any easier as well. Calls that normally wouldn't be coming in are; this is because the animals in our area aren't use to having to bulk up to hold them through snows, so this includes deer, hawks, great blue herons, and I am sure the list could go on.

The issue that had me all down and out yesterday, if you don't know me, I don't cry that easily and when I do it is mainly out of anger and frustration, was the fact that we have been searching and searching and searching to fill our second rehabilitator spot just to have the person we chose decide that she couldn't do it right now. So, back to square one. GRRR.. I don't think I have ever heard Shona curse so much, I know that this is especially frustrating for her, because she has been through this process so many times.
Here are a few photos I snapped this morning of our newest arrival. I hope you can guess what she is. It is one of those critters that can survive in any climate!

If you are interested in seeing more photos and reading some other fun blogs nature/animal related I encourage you to check out these pages.

Hollow Happenings. this is a blog put together by one of our volunteers about the animals from a volunteer perspective. **as a side note, please do not try wildlife care at home, as you must be licensed to do this. I try to be careful about wording, and context when writing so again, just be mindful**

Nature, Kayak, and Travel. My buddy Jason's site about all those things, and a few other things

Orca Watcher. Monika's blog of well nature stuff.

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