January 22, 2009

Today we had our Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife facilities inspection. Meaning I was at center quite early this morning. We even got the washer and dryers moved back to their "home" as the paint was dry. There are only a few touch-ups we will need to do from sliding them back into place. I would say that the inspection went pretty well. There are a few things I am sure that will appear on the report that they would like us to change. But we can still be open for business! After it was all said and done, we got the other washer and dryer moved, the vents cleaned out, and the floor swept in prep for it getting cleaned and what not over the next few days.

The picture of the paint from yesterday, coat #1.

The trumpeter swan today, enjoying the sun.

A picture of saw-whet #1 today, with mouse in tow.

Washer and dryer back, the other set moved out.

the washer & dryer set off to the side.

looks soo pretty.

By 3 pm, I was ready to get out of there as all week has been very busy, and this next week will not be any easier. Shona has a few off island education events she is attending. Meaning that I will be on call all week long, and I will have to work one of my "days" off since she won't be at center. I got all the kids fed and headed out around 4. Err... that really wasn't a short day was it?

Anyway, I picked up the dog and did want I wanted all week, I headed to the South end of the Island and went and walked Redoubt at sunset. I really debating going down to the beach, but decided against it. It would have been gorgeous as well; tide was going out so the beach was quiet. The water like glass so there was very little wave crash. I saw a few foxes and there was a pair of birds in bushes talking to one another, one-- rise and fall in pitch... the second-- a trill with a rise in pitch. Quite cute.

look at that water!!

Golden sun

A fox watches me and Guinness.

Tall green grass, Calm blue water.

One of the singing birds.

Going... going....

After the sun was behind the clouds. The top of Redoubt.

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