May 23, 2006

alone or not alone???

You ever come into one of those situations where you feel like you want to/ need to be alone yet all you are is surrounded by people you can't get away from. Yet on the other hand you feel so alone that you have no one there for you all at the same time? Basically that is how I felt yeterday.. I can't tell you how I feel today as the day is just getting started. I think I will feel much more relieved today because of the fact that I have a day off and will not be surrounded by the people that I just don't want around. Although, I there is no way for me be near the people I wish to be near. So in that aspect I will just have to grow to accept that.
In all my stress and anxiety last night all I wanted was a hug or snuggles. *looks around* well that really isn't going to be happening. Sigh.. I don't know where I am going with this.. I cant think of an appropriate close, so I am just going to end with that.

Who's a dumba$$.. this girl

Well I have written 2 blogs this week and have been stupid enough to hit the back button instead of edit. So I don't want to waste time and completely rewrite both of them. I don't remeber what the first one is about, something about Austin getaways.. I do know that the second one was about how much I want to kill one of my roommates. It was a very wordy one that for some odd reason that I didn't ctrl +c it before I hit the preview button like I normally do for such cases but what can I do. If you have any questions let me know about how much I wrote about.. I am just exhausted from all the hassle.