October 26, 2005

a good night/bad next day (ugggh alcohol can be bad)

This is a piece written in retrospect for what was a very fun night, but an awful following day. The day started out good, it was my Friday (Monday), so I was all ready for a night of fun. It was one of my cohort in crime at the parks birthday. We went out to Dave & Buster's for gaming and drinking. What a fun place, video games, ski ball, shuffleboard, pool, and a full bar! After playing some games having a few drinks (1/2 price mixed drinks for happy hour, good idea again added to the bad consequences), I went with one of the girls to meet up with my other roommates at Cabanas. Some good company and discussion, a bit of a downpour couldn't dampen our spirits. Again, after a few drinks and another shot we closed that bar down. A few people parted their ways, but 3 of us headed up the road to Tsunami's for more alcoholic bliss. Rob and I played 3 games of pool. I won 2 out of three and then played the next guy, kinda cute tattoo and pierced fellow, as the bar lights were coming up (he won, but I at least held my own). So my roomie and parted ways from Rob. It wasn't until we were walking to her car that I realized I was pretty bad shape. I babbled all the way home, b/c I knew if I shut my eyes I was going to become ill. I managed to make it home, but as soon as I laid down the nausea hit me. I was able to fall asleep after that, but I haven't ever felt so hung over the day after as I did from this. I would say that I have learned my lesson, but I think I really probably didn't (especially with Halloween right around the corner).

October 23, 2005

My theme of what kinda of day it is are running out

Again, it appears that I want to say that it has been a strange week. Well, maybe not all that strange as long and tiring. I feel like I am muttering through and that I can barely keep my head above water, if that at best. It has been a bit of a struggle, not with homesickness this week. I am well past that, but with a sense of heartbreak. Don't ask me where that feeling is originating from because I have no clue what so ever. Just in the past 2 days I have had that horrible sense of dread, you all know what I am talking about, sitting in a big comfy chair or laying on a coach, curled up in a sweatshirt or blanket (even if it 80 degrees out), drink some hot cocoa or eat as much chocolate as possible, and watch a feel good movie or read a really good book. I keep getting angry at myself, but again I have no apparent reasoning behind it. All I can say is I hope this feeling passes and fast.

I am coming to the end of my work week, so I hope that my weekend brings me so hope and cheer. Maybe I should catch a bus into town and do some shopping (even if I don't have any funds) or take the bus to a beach and just relax for a day, I should take my snorkeling stuff with me even. That thought alone kind of kinders my spirit and perks me up just a bit.

As usual I have added some new pics to my Hawaii album and my Work album. Check them out on my space.

Until later keep live your live and building your dreams.

October 16, 2005

What a strange day (or should I say week)

Well, let me just start with what my title stated. It has been a very strange week! Besides being moderately homesick, I just about busted into tears the other night (which those who know me is the not likely to happen). I have been trying to will people to call me. You know what I am talking about; staring at your phone and saying "insert name here" call me please. Having strange dreams as well. I have also been fighting some jealousy issues that just shouldn't be there. I have also been snuggling with my barrels. He is my little stuffed beagle dog that goes everywhere with me. Normally he sits in my truck, but since it is so far away he came on the plane with me. There have been a few other things going on this week.

In the realm of work, it has been interesting. One of the trainers quit and we had a very fun last day with her. She got "juiced" and then we all went for a swim in the Kennel pool (no dolphins in it though). It was also a cool day b/c we didn't have a last interaction. So we got to work more one on one with the dolphins on the husbandry behaviors. And that brings me to my next strange thing. I was called Dr. Penny today b/c I was helping with approximations for blood work and other vet related stuff. But of course, that got twisted. I said I don't think that is a very good name and they went off on how good a porn name that would be. The started throwing out quirky/cheesy lines for titles "time for your rectal exam", "time for your prostate exam", "turn your head and cough", "hello I will be your gynecologist today". YIKES!! It was all for a good laugh b/c what is your workday with out laughs. (sucky).

Another thing that happened this evening (not to make anyone worry), but going between our training facility and the main park is the exit road. I was walking into the park tonight and saw this strange man running straight toward me. I was taken aback and creeped out, because he looked a little dirty. Then I see this cop car come flying up the parking lot area and block his access to the road. I then saw our security guy cut him off from the grassy area where people park. He then did a 180 and headed back to the main highway (throwing his "pipe" down as he went from what security told me). When he hit the main highway, the "surfing village" of people across at the beach were yelled at to not let him get a way and to catch him. These guys take off after him and tackle him to the ground. Pretty freaky. I thought I was going to become some kind of hostage. Once I heard he had a pipe I was thinking he could have broken that and really used me as a hostage. But the good old police and our security caught him. He had supposively stolen a motorcycle and that is why the cops were after him.

So, that pretty much sums up my experiences for the week. We, my roommate Devin and a co intern Jess, on Thursday. But other than that I have been pretty much chillin at home, reading and playing on the computer, plus feeling little homesick. But hopefully that will pass. I was suppose to go out clubbing tonight but decided financially it is in my best interest to take it easy on the indulgences for awhile.

October 9, 2005

a day unlike any other

Well today was an odd day, overall I would say it was a good day. But it has one of those do you want the bad news or the good news first senarios. I, like to start with the bad news so I will lay out the bad side of the day.

Bad news:
Well it started out pretty much unlike most days, b/c we (a roomie and I) attended a party in Waimanalo last night, and instead of driving the 15 minutes home that we could have; we crashed there. It wasn't that either of us had to much to drink it was just the thought of convenience for us. Especially for me, since they were having a Triatholon on the road we take to work, so traffic was a brake grinding halt (at least that is pretty much what my other roomies said). But on the other hand, I am one of those people that need quiet, darkness, and my own space to sleep. Unfortunately, I did not receive such a luxury. I was on the couch in the living room, with 5 other people crashed out. A movie was on, and all the lights were on, and directly behind me (I was facing the back of the coach to try to cut some noise and light out) were 2 people making out. Uggghhh... GET A ROOM (one of them did reside there so she did have a room)!!!!! So, long story pretty much to say I was really tired at work. I also put in a lot of work today. The worst part of work was Sundays, we do end of day, that is getting rid of all the bad fish for the last few days. It is kept in a freezer (which decided to not work properly sometime yesterday afternoon), so it was pretty thawed, leaky and smelly :(. The truck was being used by some other department in the park, so we had to hand cart these bags of bad fish up to the dumpsters, and then throw them into the dumpsters. I lost my slippers like 2 times going up b/c I had just gotten out of the water and was completely soaked, but was soaked by bad fish juice before the unload was complete (GROSS).

Good news:
But what made the day great, is that I somehow had a lot of energy today and was ready to have some fun at work. I didn't do a large amount of fun things, but the highlight of the day was helping Chrissy out with Kekaimalu (the Wholphin), they are working with her to make her belly rides much smoother. So, to start out with I got to help with stationing and feeding her. Then I was sending her to Chrissy and helping out with the training. Then the best part of all, Chrissy had me go out and get a few belly rides from her. We also did the same thing in the afternoon session. It was great; she is so strong and does a great job of pulling you through the water. Of course, this made one of the other interns mad, but what can I say. I mean I hope she gets a chance, but I am glad I got to do it. :)

October 2, 2005

just another day

Well I know I haven't written in a while so I thought I would post today. Work has been going pretty well, of course, there are ups and downs. The last few days have been kinda a drag; feels like I haven't learned much and have been subjected to more grunt work than normal. I know this too will pass. I did get a chance today to take some photos. So, on my space I have added these new photos. Outside of work we have been causing some problems (hehe). Going out, drinking, dancing, and coming home late. I am sooo excited about work and outside time. Everything down here has been pretty chill and laid back.