November 28, 2006

Global Warming my butt

So.. about this global warming thing.. you wouldn't know that by the weather we are having.... record colds tonight, more snow in the forecast for tomorrow. When will it end? Seriously, I have made the choice to stay at home for most days, just b/c I really don't want to spend any money that I don't have. But now, that I am told it is safer to stay home, that OTHER people out there don't know how to drive in this, plus you think Washington would make their roads winter traversable. NOPE. And when I do venture out (was in a strong need food) I encountered "mountain men", ohh scarrrryy, and 3/4 of the people were just pissy. Hell, sorry that the snow disrupted your work week. Must be rough to have a job that makes you money and then getting a "snow day" as a break. Oh, well there I go again, being dark and bitter. Alrighty folks. I really don't care what they say the weather is I am going to get out of the house before I go ballistic!!

November 27, 2006

Week of the crazies

We, as most people know, are having some pretty wacky weather. It started with having the wetest November in recorded history by the middle of the month. And then having a phenomenial lighting storm just before Thanksgiving...

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Now we are having some crazy snow. Tonight the first Monday Night Football game that the Seahawks have ever played in snow (at home). I keep hearing from people about how slick it is, how miserable the travel is. Well I think I may have to find out about that and go out for a nice fun drive tomorrow. I know what you are already saying, "but Penny you have 4 wheel drive." Ha.. like I would use it.

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Okay kids.. I am going to run, OBTW the photos I have used are from Please check out more of their photos from the winter weather. at

November 21, 2006

Would you handle it/acted differently

So this is another post for my Seattle friends... so if you are reading it most of it won't pertain to you, but feel free to continue the blog... it may amuse you or make you think.
So late last week I got a phone call from one of the applications that I had sent in, telling me that they had filled their position, but would forward my application onto another department if that was okay with me. I got an email late that evening and did a phone interview the very next day. They said that they should be back to me on Friday since I would be expected to be in Hawaii on Wednesday Nov 29... Wow... craziness...
This may explain my high-strung previous postings. Basically it was hitting me... dude, I really don't know how much time I have back with my friends and yet it feels like they really don't care that I am back. I had to think about when I was gone, most contact was by me... but then again when I was working 60-70 hours a week and had shitty cell service it pretty much had to be me. I just feel like I am between a rock and a hard place, disoriented, as I am every time I disappear from here for awhile, fighting myself and the world all at once, and starting over. Everyone around me has moved ahead with their lives in the 6 months I was going, but in returning, I feel like I am picking up right where I was when I left. Hard, very hard, to comprehend just exactly how or what I am feeling, but I am trying to as best I can.
Basically bringing me to the subject line... how would you handle this differently... to being disoriented, going through severe culture shock from being with animals 24-7 in butthole, tx… to being back among society. Any thoughts?? Feel free to share; you don't need to tell me how nuts I am, what kind of medication I must be on or should be put on, or something completely irrelevant, mean, or just plain rude.. I will delete it; you can count on that... knowing my uneventful life at this moment probably almost immediately.

In other news.. check out this link to a crazy photo taken today in Seattle. Wamu building in center, Space needle to the right.

November 19, 2006

Sleepless in Seattle

So last night’s blog was suppose to make me feel better; well let me tell you it failed, and miserably at that. I was hoping that getting something out there might actually make me sleep for the first time in weeks but no. So as I cozied into bed and decided to read another short story by Philip K. Dick... strangely this story seemed to be very fitting for my emotional state right now, no not that I am going crazy like this is going to sound…

The story is called “The King of the Elves” is about a man who runs a gas station in a small town in Colorado. One cold and windy night a band of elves appear in at the station; lost b/c the trolls had disbanded them. The elf king is frail and sick from the storm they have been traveling though. The man invites them to come into his home, later that night the elf king dies and named the man as his successor. Of course he tells all of his friends; some think he is quite loony, hell I would too, others think he is doing it to drum up business. His best friend is quite worried about him with this new boastful claim. The elves return to the station to tell the man that he is needed to meet them that night as the trolls are trying to move into the elf territory before the new king can get settled. Reluctantly the man agrees to meet them on his best friend’s property by the “great oak tree” at moonset. Well his friend sees him out wondering his property and invites him in for coffee, then convinces him to go home and get some rest. As they step out of the house into the moonlight he sees something in his friend that he has never seen. He sees him stout, dirty, cold eyes, protruding jaw, and the smell of rot, mold, and mildew. A fight between the two ensues and soon the man is covered with trolls, shouts for help from his elfin league. The elves have triumphed over the trolls finding that the Great Troll has been defeated by the man. Now that the trolls have been defeated the man asks if he can return to his life at the gas station; reluctantly the elves agree to it. As he is walking back, he thinks about his old life and how run down it is. He turns around and returns to the group of elves and asks if he can remain their king; they are elated with his decision. Off they go with him as king of the elves.

Well the moral of this story that I think fits my life is I need to revamp some things. A few things I have been working on. Attitude changes and career modifications are two in progress. I would love to do a wardrobe revamp, but that isn’t economically feasible right now. But allowing myself to be toyed with, walked all over, and popping right back up as a friend is something that I can do. Like the man, returning to the gas station, I need to think about this return and give it up. Returning to what is comfortable, to the known, to the safe is what is easiest, but not necessarily what is needed. Funny thing is as I write this I am also surfing the net from time to time… to give myself some thinking time. And I came across my horoscope stating “All is fair in love and war, although the passion you're feeling for an unrequited love might not feel just. Embracing your passionate nature is a good thing, but don't lose yourself in your emotions right now. It's time to wake up from daydreams and value yourself enough to face reality. If someone doesn't value you as much as you value him or her, don't waste any more energy on the relationship. Get things back to being equal -- it's the only way you can find balance.” Strange… maybe it is time to cut some strings, to let go of the safe and make some bold steps. I need to find a place of appreciation, of value, and of equal energy. Balance.

abandonment issues

So tonight I am a bit angry.. yes, it could be said it is my own fault to some extent. But really, people, so called friends, seem to be more of a let down than anything lately. If I wanted to feel more wanted I guess I should have stayed in Texas. Dude, I would have felt more alone, but I would have my WA friends asking me to come home, or when you going to be home so at least I would feel missed. Yet, I have returned home, who knows for how long, we all know how much I don’t stay in one place anymore for advancement into my career; I am feeling a bit of abandonment since I have come home. I am deprived…err better said… in need of some social excursions. It is Saturday night and I am sitting here playin Legos Starwars II on Xbox 360 and watching shows recorded on the Replay tv this week. Thinking my friends were going to call me sometime this weekend to do something/hang out/ ANYTHING. Nope… even my “social coordinator” uhh.. hmmm… is out and about without calling me. I could have called more people, but I am the one who has comeback to a world that seems a bit odd to me. I don’t know everyone’s schedule anymore or even when they have plans that are routine now. Seriously, what the hell!!