November 21, 2006

Would you handle it/acted differently

So this is another post for my Seattle friends... so if you are reading it most of it won't pertain to you, but feel free to continue the blog... it may amuse you or make you think.
So late last week I got a phone call from one of the applications that I had sent in, telling me that they had filled their position, but would forward my application onto another department if that was okay with me. I got an email late that evening and did a phone interview the very next day. They said that they should be back to me on Friday since I would be expected to be in Hawaii on Wednesday Nov 29... Wow... craziness...
This may explain my high-strung previous postings. Basically it was hitting me... dude, I really don't know how much time I have back with my friends and yet it feels like they really don't care that I am back. I had to think about when I was gone, most contact was by me... but then again when I was working 60-70 hours a week and had shitty cell service it pretty much had to be me. I just feel like I am between a rock and a hard place, disoriented, as I am every time I disappear from here for awhile, fighting myself and the world all at once, and starting over. Everyone around me has moved ahead with their lives in the 6 months I was going, but in returning, I feel like I am picking up right where I was when I left. Hard, very hard, to comprehend just exactly how or what I am feeling, but I am trying to as best I can.
Basically bringing me to the subject line... how would you handle this differently... to being disoriented, going through severe culture shock from being with animals 24-7 in butthole, tx… to being back among society. Any thoughts?? Feel free to share; you don't need to tell me how nuts I am, what kind of medication I must be on or should be put on, or something completely irrelevant, mean, or just plain rude.. I will delete it; you can count on that... knowing my uneventful life at this moment probably almost immediately.

In other news.. check out this link to a crazy photo taken today in Seattle. Wamu building in center, Space needle to the right.

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