November 28, 2006

Global Warming my butt

So.. about this global warming thing.. you wouldn't know that by the weather we are having.... record colds tonight, more snow in the forecast for tomorrow. When will it end? Seriously, I have made the choice to stay at home for most days, just b/c I really don't want to spend any money that I don't have. But now, that I am told it is safer to stay home, that OTHER people out there don't know how to drive in this, plus you think Washington would make their roads winter traversable. NOPE. And when I do venture out (was in a strong need food) I encountered "mountain men", ohh scarrrryy, and 3/4 of the people were just pissy. Hell, sorry that the snow disrupted your work week. Must be rough to have a job that makes you money and then getting a "snow day" as a break. Oh, well there I go again, being dark and bitter. Alrighty folks. I really don't care what they say the weather is I am going to get out of the house before I go ballistic!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad I can make you feel better. I really need to get out of this funk. If you ever want to get together and start the plotting, I'm all for it.
