August 28, 2006

Pivotal moment

So I have come to a place where I have to make some decisions and I have to start making them quickly. I have about a month in a half left here of my internship and I have decided what to do after that. I have been asked by people if I am going to try for a staff position. Of course I have to consider this very carefully. I have to decide what is going to make me happiest. Most people, who know me, know that I am not super happy in the middle of nowhere. I grew up in the middle of nowhere, moved to a big city and absolutely loved it, moved to an island with a big city and loved it even more, and now back into hick country.

At one point of friend of mine had asked me to stick around here for awhile before heading to where ever I end up next. I think that may be falling through so I really don’t know what to do. I will be done in mid October, my family would like me to be with them through Thanksgiving, but I have bills to pay and since I am making very minimal here, enough to cover food and gas. It may be darn impossible to go that long without have an income. I also fear that I still don’t have enough experience to find a job that I will like and that I can be self-supporting. I have been keeping my eyes open on websites for job listings, but it kind of feels like they are few and far between right now. I really don’t want to subject myself or my family to doing another internship. It is just damn hard.

So, where am I going to be the happiest? I really wish that I knew and it was as simple as snapping my fingers to get to that place. I love the Seattle area and all the friends that I have made, absolutely loved Hawaii and miss it a lot too. I should feel free right now to do and go wherever I want b/c I have nothing holding me back, no boyfriend, no family, and so on. The only roadblock would be financial stability, but doesn’t that play a factor in 90% of our lives.

I guess this is where I am going to plead with you, if you know of any jobs or anything that I would be interested in please let me know. We all know I have experience in a lot of different fields, but would love to stick to the animal field that I have worked so hard to get into. Thanks for keeping me in mind. Hugs to all. :)


  1. You could be a succubus...

    Good luck, sweetie. Hope everything works out for you.

  2. Hey there... This has absolutely nothing to do with this post, but I saw this article and thought of you. Have you heard of this??

    Dolphin with an extra set of legs. Totally cool!

  3. Oh, hey! That anonymous post was from me! I didn't realize it didn't use my name. Sorry about that!
