July 10, 2009


Okay just some quick animal updates. We got in a mink (my guess just over a week not more than 3 weeks old)... Unfortunately it died yesterday but here are some pictures of it. Warning not so cute, and another warning.. you do not want one as a pet... they smell very badly. I don't know how they get the smell off of the "coats" people wear... They smell like horrible bad old skanky pot (don't ask how I know, b/c it is an imagined smell). I have had many people agree with me on the smell so I can't be off my rocker.

But first some pics of our 6 month seasonal.. Jen S. She had just come back from trying to catch a fawn and was barreling through bushes, so she looked a bit disheveled... ps... she didn't know I was taking these :P

Jen tells her story


The mink

look the head is the size of my thumb nail

in the carrier

And I bring to you the first seal of the year (live that is):

Meet Fatmucket!

Pretty skinny: been on the beach since the 3rd and was finally picked up on the 8th

Subcutaneous fluids.

flipper curls.. (tagged by the stranding network)

Vanessa tubing Fatmucket.

Today we caught the first eagle we put in the flight cage. We sent him back to the area he was found. It was amazing and soon we will have another eagle in there.

The eagle being unwrapped from the net I had caught him in.

I was told I haven't been taking enough songbird photos, so I thought I would catch up.

Virginia Rail

American Goldfinch, Fledgling

Swallows, mostly cliff

Pine siskin

Dark-eyed Junco

Barn swallows

the 2 on the right are brewer's blackbird.. the one on the left.. a cowbird. they all came out of the same nest. God love parasitic birds. The female cowbird lays her eggs in others nest to let them raise the babies.

The blackbirds

European Starlings.

Okay now you are pretty caught up.. I didn't get a picture of our nesting cooper's hawk, but hopefully when I get back to work on Monday.

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