June 9, 2009


OH what a week... I know I said I would try and post over the past few days, but I have been busy and not in a very good way.  Just had work, work, work. Last night I worked the evening shift at work and then had to come back in this morning; after work today we had a board meeting so I was with work people again until 8 pm.   As I type this I am just exhausted and really wish that I didn't feel the need to do this.  I know that you aren't going to say that I am not obligated to fill you in, but just feel like I want to anyway. 

Let us start with the weekend.  I went down and visited my brother.  I didn't do anything other than hang out with him and some shopping.  It was nice to get some cute summer shirts to wear out and around, some things for work, and then of course the staples that are cheaper off island!  So here are some pictures.

A few years ago I took a photography class in college (It probably never shows in my photos :D).  But  it was a black and white, learning to take photos, develop, & print photos.  I had taken a photo of Fallobur in the window and it is framed in my hall.  Well when I was home, both Onyx and Fally decided to get in the windows, so I thought I would do it again... I am thinking of working it into some kind of 4 framed celled wall thing.. but I need to think exactly how I want to do it.

very similar to the one I took back then.

wow, even more similar!

sniff sniff.

sniff sniff B&W

Onyx wanted her turn, but she wouldn't sit still!

Rub rub

again rub rub

She really pops against the Burgundy curtain.

Fally was being the bad one this time and was up on the pool table. I had to take a picture to prove that he isn't always the perfect angel!

Onyx was chilling under the table!

Aww, how cute is he!

My brother has a house on his house!!  I am so proud of him for not wanting to take it down.  He had one there last summer and it came down when he resided the house.. They (barn swallow) decided to build there again!!!  I think he has even put off painting the house for awhile b/c of them!

Me on my way home.. new redder color in the hair.. my birthday hat... shades... soo cool lol

It was bright out!

Cormorants at the Anacortes side of the water.

A sail boat by Brown Island.

Strait between Lopez (on left) and San Juan (on right).

Mt. Baker en route to Anacortes.

Okay for stuff from here, not much to add.. like I said work, work, work.  I have been so busy there that I haven't had a chance to take any pictures as much as I have wanted to.  Hopefully in the next few days I can get you some animal stuff to satisfy your need.

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