June 19, 2009

okay, I will finally write something!

Okay I know I haven't written anything in a while so I am going to actually put a little effort in tonight and give you something a bit more than pretty pictures to look at. I have been very busy with work, we are hitting our swing now and we have been getting loads of animals in. Some years we see a lot of a certain type of animals and then then some years we see different. This year has been a huge hodge podge, but mainly... raptors. I have already posted some pictures of the juvenile or fledgling raptors we have in but we also have a few adults as well! Come on guys, it is baby season, I am not suppose to be spending loads of time focusing on acute adult cases too!!!!!

As for my off time I have been busy with that too! I don't know why but I have been out and about quite a bit already. Not like last year where I came home and took a nap every night, even though that is what I just got done doing and feel much better that I did. It as been good for me to be out seeing new people and hanging out with new friends. I will only allude to and not share the pictures I have, but playing twister at a BBQ can be a bad idea... or just really good laughs :O... hahaha.. but playing Apples to Apples is always a good idea.

Okay so lets get into some pictures!!!!

Taken with my Nikon.. man I love my camera!!
Our Six month Seasonal Jen through window to our Iso Room, just after finishing the baby coon feed!

I was trying to be sneaky and quick.. or nestling barred owl loves to freak us out by sleeping by laying down with his/her head on the log perch.. I was trying to catch it on camera but of course got noticed before I could snap a quick one.

Shortly after, standing upright... so dang cute!

Otters, sleeping after their lunch! Don't you just want to scratch that belly!

belly belly belly!!!

I just couldn't resist... I know, 3 pictures almost exactly the same.

These are taken with my Optio point and shoot, so the glass glare is more visible in these ones.
I can't wait to see what happens when we add the new otter to these two

The previous day.. they are sleeping on each other!

Bald Eagle #2, is up and flying now.. hopefully she will be in the Eagle Flight to help strengthen those muscles before release.

The aggressive, get out of my face look... or also known as the "you're stressing me out" look

Our adult Great Horned owl! He tried to escape when I was catching him up to move him to this mew for his next stage before release. I love them but am very fearful of them all at the same time.
The horns are tucked, b/c he isn't quite sure what is going on.. ps look at those feet aren't they just huge for the bird... they have 10 times the crushing power of a bald eagle in them, now you know why I fear them, once you have been taloned you never forget those feet.

The sub adult red-tailed hawk has a very full crop and a new place to chill while she gets grows her tail feathers back.

I have to say, I am in love. I always like the light morphs, plus the sub adult golden hazel eyes... man they pull at my heart strings so much!

Why ello there.

And with that I am going to close. I hope you enjoyed knowing that things are still chugging along and that all is well on my little rock. We got our first rain 2 days ago in nearly a month. Just a few days shy of the record. I was refreshing to get some rain and I have never had any issues with weather bringing me down, but the past few days have been a bummer... hopefully my mood will lift.

Til later!

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