June 25, 2009

U/G, Intakes, and just all around.

We sure were busy this week, with trying to get animals moved around. We have been playing musical raptors trying to get everyone accomidated for a larger enclosure. These photos may end up out of order since I am uploading from 2 different cameras and once again am going to be ubber lazy and not move things around.

We got 2 of our eagles upgraded to new enclosures this week, and also got our eaglet onto eating food on his own. We have also taken in quite a few animals and we have 78 animals in care at this point. that is close to 10 more animals than we had in care last year on this date! So even if our intake number looks lower we are sure trying to play catch up.

So I have loads of pictures I have taken with both cameras over the past few days!! Yeah!! So let us get started!!!

Shona is drying wings of a Canada goose in her office.. aww her office.

A garter snake chilling on a log to sun himself. He was about 2 foot long.

Our last year female deer that released... look how beautiful her coat is now!

The little boy that broke free last year and wouldn't get in the trailer.

A pretty flower in the eagle flight cage.

New intakes::
This picture is of my favorite newest intake!!!! haha
Jen sits in the eagle carrier to get the front scrubbed free while I stood off to the side holding the eagle and an intern got my camera out of my pocket and took this photo.. Love it!

6 Cottontails with their eyes shut.. and yes I have colored their ears.

aww.. what is this you may ask. The eagle that was in our heron cage on the previous posts was moved. The first resident of our eagle flight cage!! This is one of the ways they test the cage. I have never seen it, but have heard about it. After taking off the eagle flew up and landed on the roof to test the netting.. this is his bat impression. I am sorry it isn't a better pic, I accidentally deleted the better photo :(

In flight this was right before the bat impression.

Testing the side of the cage.

Right after Shona let go, was giving the stressed face.

Shona sets the eagle down!


Our new otter, very people skittish. I hope he teaches that to the two we have raised from being tiny.

Great horned owl Fledgling got moved to an outdoor enclosure.

The mallard ducklings are just a few days away from being released.

The fledgling Red-tail hawk moved to an outdoor enclosure.

Taken with my Nikon D60!
Our Eaglet.. now is upright, standing on a perch, and eating on his/her own. Now it is time to put some weight on this feller.

The evil eye b/c I didn't have food for the eaglet.

The Bald eagle after being in the cage for a day.

Much calmer.

Okay, I hope you feel somewhat caught up. If so you are doing better than me. Okay time for me to catch up on a few other things. I am lucky to get a three day weekend end so I can finally breath!

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