June 5, 2005


So every once in awhile you get details or have pictures of your bosses that just seem odd to have. I know many of the people I manage have a few of me. Uggh... at least have many pictures from within my house. But I am talking about a gathering that is set up by the bosses, who are to not have any "outside relations" with the underlings. The event is company sponsored yet you come across some odd situations. Some of my favorite are watching the store manager trying to figure out how to play a PSP. Another is another executive deciding it is a good idea to lick his plate in a restaurant. Also sometimes it is hard to imagine these people whom you look up to and somewhat respect as people. Hearing that they like a movie like Eurotrip sends me laughing! If you want to see these pictures feel free to look at my other blog. www.spaces.msn.com/members/icydol

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