May 30, 2009

newest group at Wolf Hollow

Well, it is that time again for another set of babies to come into Wolf Hollow.  These are the ducklings.  We just got in 2 small ducklings that are still inside and a group of 5 mallard ducklings that are starting to get their big kid feathers, so they are outside.  Sadly I don't have any pictures of the mallards but I do of the other two.  The other sad note, I found out last night that the little wood duckling actually pass away last night :(  That is a very sad thing.  We have had good success with wood ducklings in the past even though most centers find them very hard to take care of.  But it will just push us to do better with the next ones we get in.  In the past 2 years we have raised our wood ducklings with success, so this is a sad thing.  

Wood Duckling and Common Merganser enjoy their swim time.  Yes, an unusual couple, but they only get to see each other in these brief moments as their size is so different it is fearful to put them in together in the same housing.  Plus their diet differs greatly.

Wood duck seems to think the merganser is his/her mommy.

Rubber duckie you're the one!

Swim little ones swim.. and eat those meal worms!

So damn cute! so if you haven't figured out, the little one is the wood duck.  Their coloration differs from a mallard by the eye stripe stopping at the eye and not going to the bill. And the Merganser is mainly brown/black with a few white spots on the back and white cheeks.  They also have a longer bill as they are diving ducks and eat fish & lots of bugs!

So snuggly!

Time for a video.  I hope you enjoy!

I also heard that we have gotten in the other group of youngsters that have been expecting to come in soon; those being coonlies!!  I don't have any pictures as they came in yesterday and I didn't work.  I didn't do much of anything.  I was planning on getting out and enjoying the sunshine and beautiful weather we are having this weekend, but was just to beat to do anything. 

Today I am going to be heading down to Concepia for the newest photo show gallery opening.  It will be pretty interesting, and I am not quite sure what to expect at this moment.  I just hope it is a success for my friend John.  Afterwords, I will be heading to Herb's for the Karaoke finals for the Relay Idol- a fundraiser for the Relay for life (American Cancer Society) event on the island.  It should be good as I have 3 friends in the finals and it will be tough b/c all of them are great singers in their own right!  I hope you all have a chance to get out and enjoy some sunshine, friends, and have a great day!

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