May 9, 2009

perty stuff...

Okay after yesterdays interesting yet disgusting post, I will give you some pretty pictures today.  Today  I decided I wanted to spend the day with me, for me.  That was my intent, I wasn't going to answer my phone if it rang and just go do things on my own.   Well that lasted for only 2 phone calls, b/c I just can't not answer my phone.  It was Heather saying that they were going to play disc golf at 2 and I should come, I hesitated and said I really don't know.  I just had the feeling that I might not be a pleasant person today (I don't know why but just had that feeling).    

I headed out around noon time to go sit on the west side and soak some vit D in!  I opened my door to have to USPS packages sitting on my stoop so I brought them in and opened one of them pulling out the new skorts and pedal pushers I ordered to try them on.  They were both great and I decided to sport the new skort today while I was out. It was very nice, slightly chilly, but it was quiet.  Even the gulls, crows, ravens, and swallows seem to have a respect for the waves crashing today. Everyone quietly listening.  Until a family decided to come down the side I was sitting on all talking loud and that was my queue it was time to leave!

Chitins everywhere.

Loads of things in this tidepool.. 2 urchins, anemones, limpets, chitins, and much more.

A Pisaster!!

Bull Kelp, looking towards the lime kiln that I took pictures at in a previous post.

The light house

Looking towards Canada.

A crow found something worth eating.

A gull came and chased the crow off to take over eating, known as kleptoparasitism!

Out yonder is a surf scooter.  if you click the picture you might be able to see it, dead center of photo.

I headed back to town and stopped by a friend's shop for some chit chat.  It was nice since I haven't really seen her since we hung out last week.  We got caught up and I had to head out to make it to the disc golf course.  I was running just a tad behind, which for anyone who knows me that isn't like me.  When I got there I found out that I was the first one of our group to arrive and at that moment there were only 3 people there.  Score, meaning we didn't have that many groups to have to contend with.    We played twice round the 9 hole course, and I did improve my score on the second go around, but it wasn't great no matter what.  argh!!! 

I know I am strange, this deer head is on a post in the parking lot of the disc golf course

A look from the other side.

My skin feels all nice and cozy right now b/c of the sun kissed feeling.  No red or color appearing just the lovely heat.  I have for the third day in a row made a dinner that really hit the spot and the good part is it has been mainly fruit and veggie centered.  I even bought some organic strawberries in the market yesterday and they have been tasty especially with just a small drizzle of chocolate syrup on them!  yummm.... 

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