August 21, 2005

Work tomorrow

Well, I know at this point that the daily posts will be ending. 1) I start work tomorrow 2) I return as well, so the sightseeing is going to become minimal 3) I move into the house and don't know when internet will be available. It has been really fun and I am really excited to start at the park tomorrow. I have gotten a nice base tan, and we know that it will only stay pretty much where it is (b/c I don't tan much I am as you know German, English, and Welsh). Soo.. pretty much I am a white girl!! I am very proud of myself b/c I have been really good at applying sunblock so I don't end up like a lobster. I have had my pink days, and pink spots (my back that I can't reach :( ) .

Today, we met up with one of the guys from the internship that is going to be living in the house with us. He was pretty interesting......very shy, polite, geeky guy from Withita Falls, TX. We then hit up the zoo for some animal viewing, not much, but the price was very reasonable. Other than that we hit up the Wal-mart again to look for bedding and what not for the house. We couldn't buy to much b/c we still aren't sure what we will need.

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