November 11, 2008

falling apart

Well, me trying to blog everyday has fallen apart over the past few days. Partially b/c I had days off from work, and also, well the slowness of the season doesn't give me very interesting stories to tell.

The most exciting thing about work over the past few days: we released a gull that had a broken clavicle and watching it fly away, I was fearful that he could only fly in counter-clockwise circles he banked to the right and reversed directions! We also had a chicken running around on property that I captured. To be more precise it was a Rhode Island Red chicken, probably around a year old and going through her first molt. It sounds like the chicken has been running around "the neighborhood" for almost 2 weeks, which would explain why she was pretty thin.

We got in a barred owl yesterday, we will have to see what happens b/c it was apparently hit by a car and don't know if there is any long term damage. A squirrel that had been rolled by a car, and unfortunately had a shattered right shoulder and jaw, so yeah. Also yesterday, when I was taking out our compost I found a frog hopping in the path. Something didn't look quite right with him, so I picked him up and took him inside. Basically, the right leg was busted in multiple locations, intestines where hanging out and punctured, and the sternal cage was broken and sticking out! Yuck, poor guy I did what was the most humane thing to do, the sad part is, it took an hour to gas him out. Today we looked it up and found it to be a red-legged frog. Something that we didn't know we had hanging out in our pond, very exciting!

This afternoon we, staff, spent working on testing the magnets and how to setup the netting for our eagle flight cage. We basically found out all the things we can't do, now we just need to figure out the things that will work for us!

Not much else is going on, besides it getting dark at 4:30 pm. This means that I spend almost all hours with light at work. The wind has been blowing something fierce (gale winds) today, and rain is a falling. We are really hoping for some better weather very soon, so we can ship some more animals out for release. Like: rabbits, a pygmy owl, raccoons, and fawns (which will be after the 16th when modern firearm hunting season ends).

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