February 23, 2009

Something new, something old.

So let's start out with the oldest part first. Recall a week back I went birding with Jason?  Well, over the weekend when I was down in Seattle I got the film developed from my Canon EOS Rebel G.  I can't give you any F-stop or shutter speed info as I was shooting on auto (something I never do, but my batteries were dying and it wouldn't let me shoot on manual).  I can tell you I was using a Quantaray lens 70-300mm, and I was at 300mm tele for all shots, I also was using a light block ring. So here we go.....

The Cattlepoint Light house from the bluff where we followed the fox.

The fox that was injured, 90% sure this is the one that came in the next day that had to be euthed.

The Northern Shrike perched on blackberry vines.  Don't forget you can click to see a larger image.

Two eagles perched in the upper left branch of the tree, again click to see larger image.

One of the RTHs in using the breeze to kite.  Sorry that it is just a shadow image, but gray day + camera on auto= dark photos.

Fast forward to today...bzbzzbzzzz....  It was a bit of a challenging day at the hollow.  Monday is my day all by myself, plus I was also coming back after 3 days off which can make things tougher too.  There have been some things moved around and what not, because of projects that were being worked on.  A combination of washing walls, moving cabinets for cleaning, floor waxing, and wall painting.  So, somethings I needed to quickly do before I could do my normal daily tasks.  The other thing, I picked up a new arrival on my way to work.  More on him later.  I did work on some extra projects today besides compiling our maintenance needs for the spring & continuing to read intern applications.  I painted the food prep wall, put items back up on a wall that was already painted, and then painted the cabinet that hold carriers and fledgling cages in the treatment/special care room.    But let's get to the real reason you are here, pictures of the  animals.

Look the GHOs head is coming back up!! He is eating on his own, and was very very hissy at me when I was in to clean.

Here is the new kid!  It is (most likely a male) Cooper's Hawk.  As you can see it is in his defense position and I only used the flash for this photo.  He was moving around quite a bit so there may be a bit of a blur in other photos; plus if you see dark edging it is the bars of the carrier.  I took all the photos through the carrier door as I didn't want to stress him more than needed.  I also only took the photos at the times when I was scheduled to check on the bird.  No additional peeks were taken, so that he wasn't being over stressed by me.  Once he became agitated and had his mouth and tongue protruding (a sign of stress), or was moving quite a bit in the cage (actually lunged at the door the second time I took photos) I quit disturbing him and left him in peace and quiet.  Tomorrow we will need to take a radiograph of the left wing.  It is hard to tell if it is broken or not.  As he does a broken wing display but I couldn't feel anything.  Again, I was by myself and couldn't wrap the wing properly.  So, tomorrow! Enjoy the rest of the photos!

Crazy red eyes, with wing in threat display.

Check out the back feather detail, the head feathers slicked back to a point and then "cow licked".

5x optical zoom of the face.

Hope you had a good day and enjoyed some photos.

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