March 18, 2009

back in the swing of things

I have been having a tough time getting back in the swing of things after my trip.  Last year I came back to a much more stress filled time and jumped right back in.  We had many more babies, there were a lot more cleaning projects that still needed to be done, and I returned to start training the new rehabber the day I got back.  I just don't know what it is, maybe the fact we are still trying to figure out the volunteer coordinator position (we now have one), get things arrange for the girl scout troupe that is coming to help, and meshing through all the information from the conference.  Ugh!  I think the fact that I haven't been with it mentally and emotional doesn't help.  

At work we have been working with a bald eagle that we got in yesterday.  He is thin, and has green, not lack of food green, but toxic green, output.  I commented yesterday how his tongue was quite yellow, well my shock came today when I went to take a blood sample and found out that his skin as well is that sickly yellow- Jaundice!  I spoke to some rehabbers and vets and found out there really isn't any kind of vitamin I can give to help him  combat it.  Like I was saying I did do a blood draw so we will find out his Blood Chemistry and a Lead test.  We did see a metal piece in his abdomen area (possibly in stomach or gizzard) in a radiograph.  We will have to do a lateral view so we can visualize better where the metal piece is.  But, we have been tubing him 3 times a day with an activated charcoal mix,   it isn't that fun; this eagle is a biter!  It comes out just as black as it goes in.  Tonight we started caloric therapy and tubed a chicken food based slurry.  I can't wait to smell that tomorrow b/c it doesn't smell good going in, and smells much worse coming out.

I hope that everyone else is able to focus and get things done.

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