March 3, 2009

long day on the islands.

It was a long day, but the first Tuesday of every month generally is.  That is because it is board meeting day. Which I am not a board member, but as a staff member I may have something I need to bring to the table.  Today, I only had a few things and didn't get to share them until the very end of the night.  

My day started at the normal 8:30 time and with all the intern apps, volunteer coordinator apps, and administrative things that needed to be done I was there until just before 5 pm.  I quickly ran home, showered, and grabbed a quick bite to eat (a bowl of honey nut cheerios).  Off I ran to the board meeting where I shared my road rashed/ jean burned knees with everyone from the countless hours I have been spending stripping and waxing the floors.   

After the meeting adjourned I returned home to the next set of 30 intern applications I brought home to read.  This brings my total read to 140 and I know there is 19 more at work, plus what ever I pick up from the mail tomorrow.  The post mark deadline was the 28th of Feb, so there should only be a few more days of them trickling in.  Which is good because I have to have them all read by the time I leave on Friday morning for the symposium in Chicago.

I am done with my "work" for the day, so I am relaxing with some facebook scrabble with friends and family.  But my mind is still racing with work things.  How I need to get my apartment cleaned tomorrow night before I leave for a week, how I need to pick up movies and dishes from a friends house, which enclosure I am going to move the great horned owl into tomorrow, what to do about the Thayer's gull that isn't eating, and how to pack for my trip so I don't have to take a suitcase (extra money, plus I hate having to wait for luggage).

No wonder I have felt so stressed lately.  All these things constantly pushing through my head.  I know my cat can feel the energy; she has been very snuggly lately and as I type this she is sharing my lap with my laptop constantly rolling over and rubbing her head on my hands as I type.

I hope every one of you have been doing well.

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