March 20, 2009

Spring has Sprung

This can be a two fold statement.  B/c in the animal world that means mating, making babies, and even having territorial disputes.  Babies keep me busy during the summer (which again is a blessing and a curse at the same time).  Right now, of course you will find courtship behaviors going on between many of the birds, especially birds of prey.  Also, many birds of prey are defending or trying to claim new territory.  We just got in an eagle in who was in one such fight.  This is a controversial issue in the rehab world.  B/c on one side there is the "these animals would be doing this if we weren't here, so why do we interfere and rehab them" and the other hand "how can you let an animal sit out there and suffer".  The really tough spot with this one is that it is a bald eagle and someone called it in to WDF&W.  Of course they want us to pick it up b/c well it is a bald eagle.  The other thing, how do you tell someone one, sorry it is nature we can't do anything.  We do say that when they want us to come save the bunny that an eagle has landed on for dinner.  On that case we can say, if we save that bunny, he is going to go out and get another one so might as well let him have that one and save a completely healthy one for the moment.  (PS I want to let you know that this is my thought only, this is not a reflection on the center what so ever.  Everyone is subject to their own opinion).  It is tough b/c I don't know if I could let the animal sit out there and suffer and slowly die if that is the case.  I don't know if the eagle we got in would survive on his own or would die a slow painful death if there wasn't an intervention.  The eagles attitude is very well, it did have a huge injury to the right eye, the beak has some traumatic injuries, the wings are quite bruised so maybe after a few days it could have gotten up the strength to fly away, and it had enough flesh on its body that it could go a day or two with food.  So, I can discuss this till I am blue in the face, but it doesn't change that we do have the eagle in care and will work with him to see if we can "save" him.  Meh, just one more critical care patient.

But other things, it is quite lovely outside today, even though it was listed to be raining.  The air smells very fresh and clean outside today.  I have my window and patio door open to help give the air some fresh air.  I am pretty sure Onyx enjoys it as well.  It is nice to be back on the island for a day off and just not have anything that I have to get done.  

I hope you all get the chance to enjoy some of the fresh air of spring!

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