March 29, 2009

finally pictures

I will start out with something simple: a sleeping kitty.  Onyx has decided lately that my lap is a great place to sleep either over my blanket or under.  I just can't resist taking a picture of her, too damn cute.

Onyx uses my knee as a pillow.

She also thinks that sitting on my coffee table and staring at me will cause me to do something like give her a treat.  Here she sits a book Shona as loaned me called Dewey about a cat who lives in a library.

Here she is sleeping on my leg and actually straddling it under the blanket the other day.  She was a bit pissed I lifted it up to take a picture of her.

Well.... I haven't given you any work pictures for a while and today I did take some with the work camera.  We have had some unfortunate deaths at work over the past few days, the lead eagle died yesterday.  We got our first babies of the season in too, a group of 3 nestling barn owlets.

Warning some of these pictures of the territorial fight eagle could be considered graphic.  I have told you it took the majority of the battle to the head, the beak has hole punctures, cracks, she has a scalped spot, and also damage that we don't know how bad to an eye.  So if you don't want to see them I would suggest stopping here, or scroll through fast as there are pics of the barn owlets on the bottom.

Okay now that you have chosen to continue.

The "loser"

Here you can really see the damage to the right side of her face.

The unfortunate use of the flash, they are hard things to take photos of b/c of their coloring.  You can see all 3.  One in front being fed and 2 in the back (the littlest in the back).

The large one and the smallest one.

waiting their turn for food.

Okay that is about it.  Not much else to share.  I hope you have a good day.

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