April 29, 2009

2 for 2

Well today we got in another eagle, and guess what?  It had an eye injury.  This one was an older injury so it would have been much harder to decided the euth thing or not, b/c it had obviously been surviving with it as it was.  But it also had a break to the left wing in 2 places.  Now then we have to question if the eye sight issue caused it to somehow get in a predicament to break a wing like that or if it would have anyway.  The breaks were bad, so it made the decision for us.  What a great thing for an intern to experience on her first day here!  Wowsers.

Other than that the day was filled with goofiness, I think that is my manner of coping.  It also helps training some mundane tasks a little more fun.  We decided to throw the lone owl in with the other 2 and this is how they measure up.  The lone one wasn't so sure to begin with but I think they will all get along.

not so sure about the other 2

focused on something else.

Our young gray squirrel.

Which leads us to the fun at the end of the day.  At 5 just after finishing otter feeds we got a call from a man down 3 corner lake road saying he thought there was a baby owl on the ground in the woods where he walks.  I was thinking okay it could be true, but we have also come across it being a baby pigeon so we were hedging bets to see what it was.  And goodness it was an owl.

here is the cavity where mom is currently sitting with other owlets.  Quite a ways up the tree.

And here is a blurry picture of the baby. It is a baby barred owl.  We will make calls tomorrow to see if we can find someone who could put him back up in the tree if not we will raise for a bit and then take him back out when he is just starting to fledge.

Okay that is about it for the day.  When I got to town tonight I had a message from a friend about a BBQ so I am going to be heading over there for some good food and friends.  We will see.

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