April 4, 2009

Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy.

Today was a soulfully productive day.  I meet up with a friend for 9 am breakfast and then wondered around town for a bit, spending some time hanging out in their shop before heading back towards my apartment.  The sun was out, the temp that was just a touch nippy this morning was starting to warm up.  This is exactly what I have been waiting for!!  The temp was right around 50 degrees, I find this perfect for a nice healthy hike or running.  So I soon picked up Guinness and we headed down to Mt. Finlayson.  I took different trails than I normally do and found that I added a lot more length to the trek.  Half way through before I started the "hill climb" my breakfast decided it wanted to sit like a brick in my stomach.  /ugh  It did make the nice quick pace slowdown a bit, but still was trying to hold good form, plus maximizing the "work" I was actually doing I forced myself to push the best I could.  Here are some photos.

In the interior of Mt. Finlayson.

Looks like evidence of an otter.

A bald eagle flies over me.

One of the several wind blown trees.

See the tree line along the right, my truck is past the end of where you can see and down the hill.  Lovely, lovely hike.  This is around the outside, after the climb.  Probably took me as long to walk this as the rest and this is the "short" leg, but I wasn't feeling well.

After returning back home I composed an email to the person whom I would share the condo that is in question to ask her some questions that are making me a bit unsettled about it.  I can't say that it isn't question out of the norm. Plus, I am a Taurus so I can blame that for not being ubber keen on making changes.  I also called my parents and found out that they are once again being pelted by more snowstorms. Having a lot of nervous energy, I ran into town to pick some things up at the drugstore and back down to the shop to just see how the day was going.  

After a quick shower, it is about time to head for dinner. Pizza seems to be calling our names. 

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