January 20, 2009

Cinderelle, cinderelle, wash the dishes, do the laundry

I always seem to sing this song when I end up on the ground scrubbing the floor, and what pray-tell was I scrubbing... The floor, where our washer and dryers sit. In the past few days we have been working on painting the floor in our warehouse to make it cleanable, especially when baby season hits & things get spilled and what not.

Here are a few photos. from the process.

The hall to our radiological suite that has been painted over the past few days.

The floor after the washer and dryers moved, with some of the dust bunnies.. err.. rabbits...err... bison swept up.

A dust rabbit, one of several.

The floor with the concrete cleaner on it.

After the process was complete. Notice that the Concrete crack filler is bright grey in this photo, as opposed to the nasty brown in the previous photos.

Other than that we got the two Canada Geese went back over to Lopez Island today. So this afternoon, I got a chance to get outside and do some scrubbing and cleaning on a cage. I like to clean this cage because it was one that you can actually see progress being made. Especially when you take the scrub brush to the green algae! It may not have been incredibly warm out (as items still in the shade were frosted), but I was exerting so much effort in cleaning that I took off my fleece sweatshirt! For anyone who knows me well, that is quite a feat to get me to that point. I was really thinking about stripping down in the WetPen... haha.... that would have been funny.

I tried to get out of work early enough to go pick up Guinness to head to South Beach for a sunset walk but unfortunately I didn't get out as early as I wanted to. So I would have made it to South Beach right after the sunset. :( I really wanted some time with the dog today at the beach. We will try for another sunny day. I did get these photos on my way home of Mt. Baker looking all nice and pink.

Mount Baker from No 2 School Bus Road (yes that actually is the name of the road)

A shot after I was driving down San Juan Valley

A photo over top of the Best Western

And as I approached Caines St. Where I turn to head home.

I hope you had a productive day. I know I did. I am sure I will feel it in my shoulders tomorrow. I was even able to take a few minutes this morning and listen to Obama give his speech!!

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