January 1, 2009

new year, but the day felt the same.

I sit hymning and hawing about how to actually start my blog today. Last night was the new year, and I meandered down to the local water hole. I wasn't too much impressed; people were stupid and well STOOPID. I left just a few minutes after midnight because I was completely over it. New Year's is (or maybe I need to change it to was) my second favorite holiday. It gives you the "fresh start" and a move ahead attitude. Really all that changes is the number, just like with birthdays. I would say I am going to start ever day with "this is the first of the rest of your life" attitude, but I think I may have too much pessimism for that.

Work wise today, it was a quiet day with only 2 calls, both involving fawns. We did go out after one of them that had gotten stuck in a fence was flipped over upside-down. It had been cut free but was favoring that foot. Unfortunately, it had wandered into a huge bush thicket, so we were not able to get to her. Other than that, Shona and spent the day folding newsletters, lots and lots of newsletters.

For anyone wanting an update on the black swan. Our Executive Director, who lives on Lopez, has picked up the swan and took it to her property to hold for now. She plans on getting it over to the hollow, unless we find the owner first. If anyone who finds this as someone did yesterday and knows who owns her, please, please let us know. There are some misconceptions out there that we are out to get this person in trouble, but the truth is we can't get them in trouble. It isn't illegal to own black swans. I have called and clarified this with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Here is the photo that was left in my comments yesterday from Janna on Lopez of the black swan. Thank you Janna this was the first opportunity I have had to see a photo of the critter we are working soo hard to find home for.

Tomorrow I will be doing something that I haven't done in the two years I have lived on the island. That is taking a day trip off the island. Of course I have been off the island before, but it always involves a "weekend". I need to go take care of the tire issue from my car, and maybe even pick-up some things for work. Then back to the island. I have soo much house to take care of right now. With all the boxes from Christmas piling up I need to make a recycling run; that will have to wait until Saturday.

Right now I just wish my nose would unplug (I am still battling back in forth with a cold).

Hope you all have a great night.

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