January 4, 2009

a rough day

Today is/was just one of those days, a rough day. Like many days this time of year, the animals coming into the center are generally in very bad shape (that is if they make it in at all). Our stats look absolutely horrible, because we are starting with a clean slate, and have these kind of cases knocking our door down. Right now, I can say we have a 100% mortality rate for animals in 2009. Don't get me wrong, we will end up above rehab center standards on our yearly release rate, but the first month is a tough one, every year. I don't want to be a downer so I won't go into details on the sad situations I encountered today, but just keep in mind they weren't pleasant.

Other than that, I have decided what ever "cold" I have has to be from encountering a second strain. My initial cold was one that only affected my throat, I had a dry throat, tight chest (haha), and lost my voice. I was starting to feel really good toward the end of December. Now, I have so much phlegm and chest congestion it is horrible. I don't know how much snot can come out of one person, but I would say at this point, A LOT! I have had 4 people suggest sinus flushing, so tonight I finally thought, it can't hurt, besides drown me, maybe I will be able to taste my dinner tonight. Right now, I want to take back 90% of the bad thoughts/words I have had about sinus flushing/Netti pots. I am not one hundred percent clear yet, but I can breath fairly decently. Plus I snuck a mini mint 3 musketeer to see if I could taste it and I could. Hopefully.. it continues, I don't know if my headache I am currently sporting came from blowing my nose so hard, sniffling so much today, or just residual.

As of right now, I am reheating some of my homemade chicken noodle soup from yesterday. Snuggled on my couch with my kitty kat, and watching TV (the football game just got over so now I have to find something else to watch).

All I can hope is you had a much better day than me.

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